How To Delete Instagram Account – Step-by-Step Guide

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How To Delete Instagram Account: In the fast-paced world of social media, sometimes you may find the need to step back and take a break.

Whether it’s for personal reasons or a desire for digital detox, understanding how to navigate the process of deleting your Instagram account is essential.

This detailed guide provides a clear, step-by-step approach to help you delete your Instagram account seamlessly.

Understanding Instagram Account Deletion

Instagram, the popular social media platform, offers two options for users seeking to step back from their account: deletion and deactivation. Understanding the differences between these two options is crucial for making an informed decision about your Instagram presence.

Difference Between Deleting and Deactivating an Instagram Account

Deactivating an Instagram Account:

  • Temporary Measure: Deactivating your account is a temporary solution. It allows you to hide your profile, photos, comments, and likes.
  • Reversibility: You can reactivate your account at any time by simply logging back in.
  • Visibility: While deactivated, your username cannot be claimed by anyone else, and your profile is essentially invisible.

Deleting an Instagram Account:

  • Permanent Action: Deleting your account is irreversible. Once done, you cannot recover any data or information associated with the account.
  • Data Loss: All your photos, comments, likes, and followers will be permanently removed.
  • Username Availability: Once your account is deleted, your username is released into the pool of available usernames, potentially allowing someone else to claim it.
Consequences of Deleting an Instagram Account
  1. Loss of Content: Deleting your Instagram account means you will lose all your uploaded photos, videos, comments, likes, and messages. This is significant if Instagram is your primary platform for storing or sharing these memories.
  2. Disconnection from Followers: You’ll lose contact with all the followers you’ve amassed. This is especially impactful for influencers or businesses that rely on Instagram for marketing or community engagement.
  3. No Recovery Option: Unlike deactivation, deletion does not offer a backdoor for retrieval. Once deleted, the account and its contents cannot be restored.
  4. Potential Username Loss: If you decide to return to Instagram, you might not be able to use your old username if someone else has claimed it.

Understanding these key differences and consequences can help you make a more informed decision about whether to deactivate or delete your Instagram account.

Instagram Pre-Deletion Considerations

Before you make the decision to delete your Instagram account, there are a few critical steps to consider ensuring you don’t lose valuable content or connections.

Backing Up Important Data

Your Instagram account is a treasure trove of memories. Over time, you’ve likely accumulated a significant number of photos, videos, and conversations that hold sentimental value. Before proceeding with account deletion, it’s essential to back up this data.

  • Photos and Videos: Instagram allows you to download a copy of everything you’ve shared on the platform. This includes all your photos and videos. Make sure you save these to a secure location, whether it’s on your computer, an external hard drive, or a cloud storage service.
  • Messages and Conversations: If you’ve used Instagram’s direct messaging feature to communicate with friends, family, or colleagues, consider saving these conversations. While they might not seem important now, they could hold sentimental or practical value in the future.
Informing Close Contacts

Instagram isn’t just about content; it’s also about connections. Informing your close contacts about your decision to leave the platform is a thoughtful and considerate step.

  • Close Friends and Family: Let them know about your decision and how they can keep in touch with you outside of Instagram. This might be through other social media platforms, email, or good old-fashioned phone calls.
  • Professional Contacts: If you’ve used Instagram for networking or professional purposes, give your contacts a heads up. Provide them with alternative ways to reach you, such as LinkedIn, email, or your professional website.

By taking these steps, you can exit Instagram knowing that your memories are preserved and your relationships maintained. Remember, deleting your account is a permanent step, so it’s important to make these considerations carefully.

Step-by-Step Guide to Deleting Your Instagram Account

If Instagram is the platform you wish to leave, this guide will help you do so efficiently, whether you’re using a web browser or the Instagram app.

For Web Users:

1. Log in to Instagram: Open your preferred web browser and go to the Instagram website. Log in with your username and password.

2. Access the ‘Delete Your Account’ Page: Instagram does not allow account deletion directly from your profile settings. Instead, visit the ‘Delete Your Account’ page by searching for it in the Instagram Help Center or using a direct link.

3. Select a Reason for Leaving: Before you can delete your account, Instagram asks why you’re leaving. Choose an option from the dropdown menu.

4. Re-enter Your Password: For security purposes, you will need to re-enter your password after selecting a reason for account deletion.

5. Permanently Delete Your Account: After entering your password, click on the button to permanently delete your account. Remember, this action cannot be undone.

For App Users:

1. Open the Instagram App: On your smartphone, open the Instagram app and log in to your account.

2. Go to Your Profile Page: Tap on your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.

3. Access the ‘Help Center’: Tap on the three lines in the top right, then select ‘Settings’. Scroll down to ‘Help’ and select ‘Help Center’.

4. Navigate to ‘Delete Your Account’ Page: Similar to the web process, find the ‘Delete Your Account’ page in the Help Center.

5. Follow the Same Steps as Web: From here, the process is the same as the web. Select your reason for leaving, re-enter your password, and confirm the deletion of your account.

Deleting your Instagram account is a permanent decision, so be sure you’re ready to say goodbye to your followers and the content you’ve shared. Whether on web or app, following these steps will help you smoothly exit the platform.

Instagram Troubleshooting: Common Issues

This guide aims to iron out those wrinkles by offering clear, concise solutions for common problems, particularly focusing on the deletion process and the avenues for contacting Instagram support.

Solutions for Potential Problems During the Deletion Process

1. Difficulty in Deleting Account: Sometimes, you may find it challenging to delete your Instagram account. This could be due to various reasons, such as server issues or incorrect account settings. To resolve this, ensure you’re following the correct account deletion steps as outlined on Instagram’s Help Center. If the problem persists, it might be a temporary issue with Instagram’s servers. In such cases, waiting a few hours before trying again can be helpful.

2. Error Messages: Encountering error messages during the deletion process can be frustrating. Typically, these errors are temporary. However, clearing your browser’s cache and cookies or trying a different browser can often resolve these issues. If the error message continues, make a note of it for further assistance.

3. Recovery of Deleted Account: It’s important to note that once an Instagram account is deleted, it cannot be recovered. If you’re having second thoughts, consider temporarily deactivating your account instead. This option gives you the flexibility to return to your account at a later time.

Contacting Instagram Support

In cases where self-help solutions don’t resolve your issues, reaching out to Instagram support is the next step. Here’s how you can contact them:

1. Through the App: The quickest way to seek help is through the Instagram app itself. Navigate to your profile, tap the menu icon, and then select ‘Settings.’ From there, go to ‘Help’ and choose the option that best describes your issue.

2. Via the Help Center: Instagram’s Help Center ( is a treasure trove of information and solutions for a plethora of issues. If you can’t find an answer to your problem, you can use the contact form available on the website.

3. Reporting a Problem: If you encounter a specific problem or bug, you can report it directly from the app. Go to ‘Settings,’ then ‘Help,’ and select ‘Report a Problem.’ This feature allows you to describe your issue in detail and even attach screenshots for clarity.

By following these steps, most common issues with Instagram can be resolved efficiently. Remember, patience and persistence are key, and the Instagram support team is there to help you navigate through any hurdles you might face.

Alternatives to Instagram Account Deletion: Exploring Less Permanent Solutions

Understanding these options can help you maintain your digital footprint without the finality of account deletion. Here, we discuss two primary alternatives: temporarily deactivating your account and adjusting your privacy settings.

1. Temporarily Deactivating Your Instagram Account

Temporarily deactivating your Instagram account is a practical solution for those seeking a break from social media without losing their content and connections. This option hides your profile, photos, comments, and likes, effectively putting your account on pause. The process is straightforward:

  • Navigate to the Instagram website, as this cannot be done through the app.
  • Log in to your account.
  • Go to your profile and select ‘Edit Profile.’
  • Scroll down to find ‘Temporarily disable my account’ and follow the instructions.

Your account remains invisible to other users until you decide to reactivate it by logging back in. This flexibility is ideal for users needing a temporary respite from the platform.

2. Adjusting Privacy Settings for a Controlled Experience

If your concern revolves around privacy or the type of interaction you’re receiving, adjusting your privacy settings might be the answer. Instagram offers various settings that allow you to control who sees your content and how they interact with it. Key adjustments include:

  • Private Account: Make your account private, allowing only approved followers to view your content.
  • Story Settings: Control who can see and reply to your stories.
  • Comment Controls: Manage who can comment on your posts and filter out offensive comments.
  • Activity Status: Choose whether others can see when you’re online.

By fine-tuning these settings, you can create a more comfortable and personalized Instagram experience without the need to delete your account.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Instagram Account Deletion

1. How do I permanently delete my Instagram account?

To permanently delete your Instagram account, you need to log into your account on a web browser, as this can’t be done through the app. Go to the ‘Delete Your Account’ page, select a reason for deletion from the dropdown menu, re-enter your password, and then click on ‘Permanently delete my account’.

2. Can I recover my account after deletion?

Once your Instagram account is deleted, it cannot be recovered. This process is irreversible. Therefore, ensure you download any important data or memories you wish to keep before proceeding with account deletion.

3. What happens to my data after I delete my account?

After you delete your Instagram account, your photos, comments, likes, friendships, and all other data will be permanently removed and cannot be restored. It may take up to 90 days from the beginning of the deletion process to complete the deletion of the data stored in backup systems.

4. Is there an alternative to deleting my Instagram account?

If you’re unsure about deleting your account, you can temporarily deactivate it instead. This option hides your profile, photos, comments, and likes until you decide to reactivate it by logging back in.

5. How long do I have to wait to create a new account with the same username?

Instagram doesn’t guarantee that your username will be available again. If you delete your account, your username is permanently deleted and cannot be used by you or anyone else in the future.

6. Will my messages be deleted as well when I delete my account?

Yes, when you delete your Instagram account, it also deletes all your messages along with any other content associated with your account.

7. How do I temporarily deactivate my Instagram account?

To temporarily deactivate your account, log into Instagram on a web browser, go to your profile, click ‘Edit Profile’, scroll down and click ‘Temporarily disable my account’. You’ll need to select a reason and re-enter your password.


In summary, we’ve meticulously walked through the essential steps involved in deleting your Instagram account. Remember, this process is permanent and irreversible; once your account is deleted, all your photos, followers, likes, and comments will be lost forever.

It’s crucial to consider this finality before proceeding. If you’re uncertain, consider temporarily disabling your account as an alternative, allowing you to take a break without permanently losing your content.

But if you’ve made up your mind, follow the outlined steps carefully to ensure a smooth and irreversible deletion of your Instagram account. Remember, this action is definitive, marking the end of your digital journey on this platform.