How to Delete IG Account – Step-by-Step Guide

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How to Delete IG Account: Instagram stands as a dominant social media platform, influencing trends and connecting millions worldwide.

However, individuals might opt to delete their Instagram account to enhance privacy, reduce digital distractions, or simplify their online presence, seeking a healthier balance in their digital and real-life interactions.

Why People Delete Their Instagram Accounts

In today’s digital age, Instagram is one of the most popular social networking platforms worldwide. However, despite its popularity, many users decide to delete their accounts. Here are some common reasons why:

1. Privacy Concerns

Privacy is a significant concern for many users. Instagram collects a vast amount of data on its users, which can be shared with third parties or become vulnerable in data breaches. This concern prompts some users to delete their accounts to protect their personal information.

2. Mental Health

Research indicates that excessive use of social media can lead to increased feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Users often delete their Instagram accounts to alleviate these symptoms and improve their overall mental well-being.

3. Time Management

Instagram can be incredibly time-consuming. Users find themselves spending hours scrolling through feeds, which can interfere with productivity or real-life interactions. Deleting the account can help reclaim that time and focus on more fulfilling activities.

4. Overwhelming Content

The constant influx of content—ranging from personal updates to global news—can be overwhelming for some users. The pressure to keep up with the endless stream of information and updates can lead to a decision to step back by deleting the account.

5. Cyberbullying

Instagram, like many social platforms, can be a breeding ground for negative interactions and cyberbullying. For those experiencing harassment or bullying, deleting their account can be a way to escape the toxic environment.

6. Desire for Authenticity

Some users feel that the platform encourages a culture of inauthenticity, where people present idealized versions of their lives. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy or disillusionment, motivating some to delete their accounts in search of more genuine interactions.

Deleting an Instagram account can be a liberating decision for many, driven by a variety of personal reasons that prioritize privacy, mental health, and quality of life.

Things to Consider Before Deleting Your Instagram Account

Deciding to delete your Instagram account can have a significant impact on your digital life. Before taking this step, it’s crucial to consider several aspects to ensure you’re making an informed decision. Here’s what you need to know:

Impact on Online Presence and Social Connections
  1. Reduced Visibility: Deleting your Instagram account means losing a platform where you can showcase your personal or professional life. This could impact how you connect with friends, family, or potential business opportunities.
  2. Loss of Community: Instagram provides a community for many, where users engage through comments, likes, and shares. Removing your account means stepping away from these social interactions and possibly losing contact with some individuals who are only connected through this platform.
Alternatives to Deleting
  1. Deactivating Your Account: Instead of permanently deleting your account, consider deactivating it temporarily. This way, your profile, photos, comments, and likes will be hidden until you decide to reactivate it by logging back in.
  2. Adjust Privacy Settings: If privacy concerns are prompting the deletion, you might want to adjust your settings instead. You can make your account private, control who sees your stories, or limit how people can interact with your posts.
  3. Curate Your Feed: Sometimes, the desire to delete an account stems from overwhelming or undesirable content. Curating your feed to follow only accounts that add value to your day can make your Instagram experience more pleasant.
How to Backup Instagram Data Before Deletion
  1. Request Your Data: Instagram allows you to download a copy of everything you’ve shared on the platform, including photos, videos, messages, and profile information. Go to your settings, find the privacy and security section, and request a download of your data.
  2. Save Photos and Videos: Before deleting, make sure to save copies of any photos and videos you don’t have backed up elsewhere. You can do this manually or use third-party apps to download all your content in one go.
  3. Document Important Contacts: If you use Instagram to stay in touch with certain people, make sure you have another way to contact them. Note down any important connections’ contact details before deleting your account.

By carefully considering these factors, you can ensure that your decision to delete or modify your Instagram presence is the right one for your online social life and privacy needs.

Step-by-Step Guide to Deleting Your Instagram Account

If Instagram is the platform you wish to leave, this guide will help you do so efficiently, whether you’re using a web browser or the Instagram app.

For Web Users:

1. Log in to Instagram: Open your preferred web browser and go to the Instagram website. Log in with your username and password.

2. Access the ‘Delete Your Account’ Page: Instagram does not allow account deletion directly from your profile settings. Instead, visit the ‘Delete Your Account’ page by searching for it in the Instagram Help Center or using a direct link.

3. Select a Reason for Leaving: Before you can delete your account, Instagram asks why you’re leaving. Choose an option from the dropdown menu.

4. Re-enter Your Password: For security purposes, you will need to re-enter your password after selecting a reason for account deletion.

5. Permanently Delete Your Account: After entering your password, click on the button to permanently delete your account. Remember, this action cannot be undone.

For App Users:

1. Open the Instagram App: On your smartphone, open the Instagram app and log in to your account.

2. Go to Your Profile Page: Tap on your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.

3. Access the ‘Help Center’: Tap on the three lines in the top right, then select ‘Settings’. Scroll down to ‘Help’ and select ‘Help Center’.

4. Navigate to ‘Delete Your Account’ Page: Similar to the web process, find the ‘Delete Your Account’ page in the Help Center.

5. Follow the Same Steps as Web: From here, the process is the same as the web. Select your reason for leaving, re-enter your password, and confirm the deletion of your account.

Deleting your Instagram account is a permanent decision, so be sure you’re ready to say goodbye to your followers and the content you’ve shared. Whether on web or app, following these steps will help you smoothly exit the platform.

What Happens After You Delete Your Instagram Account?

Deleting your Instagram account is a significant step that leads to permanent removal of your profile, photos, videos, comments, likes, and followers. Here’s what you need to know about what happens next, particularly concerning data retention and linked accounts.

Data Retention by Instagram

After you delete your Instagram account, the platform typically takes about 30 days to completely remove all your data from its servers. During this period, your account information is inaccessible to other users but still exists on Instagram’s backup storage. This delay allows for the data to be fully purged from all their systems. However, certain pieces of your information may remain in their database, not directly associated with your personal identifiers, for purposes such as legal requirements, terms violations, or harm prevention efforts.

Effects on Linked Accounts and Shared Data
  1. Linked Social Media Accounts: If your Instagram account was linked to other social media platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter, these connections will be severed. You will need to re-establish these links if you create a new account.
  2. Shared Content on Other Platforms: Any content that was shared from Instagram to other platforms remains accessible on those platforms, unless manually deleted. For instance, if you shared Instagram posts to Facebook, those posts will still be visible on Facebook.
  3. Third-Party Access: Deleting your Instagram account also revokes access to any third-party apps or services where you used your Instagram credentials to log in. You’ll need to find alternative login methods for these services.
  4. Direct Messages and Shared Media: All direct messages you sent or received and media shared in those messages are deleted from Instagram but may still be visible to the recipients if they downloaded or saved them prior to your account deletion.

However, understanding these after-effects helps ensure you’re fully informed about the implications of deleting your Instagram account. Remember, once the deletion process is initiated, it cannot be reversed.

FAQs about Deleting Your Instagram Account

Q1: How can I permanently delete my Instagram account?

A1: To permanently delete your Instagram account, visit the “Delete Your Account” page on Instagram’s website. You must log in to your account to proceed. After logging in, select a reason for deleting your account from the dropdown menu, re-enter your password, and confirm your choice to delete the account permanently.

Q2: Is there a way to temporarily disable my Instagram account instead?

A2: Yes, Instagram allows you to temporarily disable your account. To do this, log into Instagram on a web browser, go to your profile, and select ‘Edit Profile.’ Scroll down to ‘Temporarily disable my account’ at the bottom right, choose your reason, re-enter your password, and confirm your choice to disable.

Q3: What happens to my data after I delete my Instagram account?

A3: Once you delete your Instagram account, all your data, including photos, comments, likes, and followers, will be permanently removed and cannot be recovered. It may take up to 90 days from the beginning of the deletion process to delete all the data stored in backup systems.

Q4: Can I reactivate my account after deleting it?

A4: No, once you permanently delete your Instagram account, it cannot be reactivated. Any new accounts you create will have to start from scratch.

Q5: How long does it take to delete my Instagram account?

A5: After you request account deletion, it typically takes about 30 days to complete the process. However, some information may remain in backup storage for up to 90 days before it is completely deleted from Instagram’s systems.


In summary, deleting your Instagram account is a straightforward process, but it’s one that requires careful thought. We’ve covered the necessary steps to ensure you can securely and permanently remove your profile if you choose to do so.

Before making this final decision, consider the implications, such as losing access to all your posts, photos, and interactions. This action is irreversible, so take your time to reflect on the reasons behind your decision and ensure that it aligns with your long-term digital presence and personal goals.

If you’re certain, follow the outlined steps to proceed with confidence. Remember, once deleted, your Instagram account cannot be recovered.


For additional information and to verify the content discussed in “How to Delete Your Instagram Account,” consider consulting the following reputable sources. These resources offer detailed guidance and can help you navigate the process smoothly:

  1. Instagram Help Center: This is the primary resource for any inquiries related to managing your Instagram account, including deletion steps. Visit their official website for step-by-step instructions.
    Instagram Help Center
  2. Digital Trends: Provides a comprehensive guide on how to deactivate or delete your Instagram account, with easy-to-follow instructions and screenshots for better understanding.
    Digital Trends – How to Delete Instagram
  3. TechCrunch: Offers insights into the implications of deleting your Instagram account and provides additional tips on securing your data before deletion.
    TechCrunch – Deleting Instagram
  4. Forbes: Forbes discusses the psychological and privacy benefits of deleting social media accounts, including Instagram, helping users make informed decisions.
    Forbes – Benefits of Deleting Social Media

These sources are well-established in the digital and tech space, ensuring that the information provided is accurate and trustworthy.